Concrete ProblemUpdater
The default-implementations of ODEParSetter
and ParUpdater
do not store much information in type parameters to avoid long compilation times.
The disadvantage is, that the result of some operations is not fully type- inferred, especially when dealing with ComponentArrays that store information in their type signature. The results of the folloginw calls are not inferred (x
is stands in for either state
, par
, or paropt
label_x(pset, ...)
get_paropt(pset, ...)
, andget_paropt_labeled(pset, ...)
is inferred but no known at compile time and can not be used to create StaticArrays
Therefore, this package provides function get_concrete
, that provides a concrete-typed version of a type.
— Functionget_concrete(pset::AbstractProblemParSetter)
Return a concrete-type-version of an ProblemParSetter or ProblemUpdater.
The following example demonstrates, how to construct a cost function that is based on a closure in which the types are inferred.
First, lets setup a small example problem
using OrdinaryDiffEq, ComponentArrays, MTKHelpers, Test, ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D
function get_sys1()
sts = @variables L(t)
ps = @parameters k_L, k_R, k_P
eq = [D(L) ~ 0]
sys1 = ODESystem(eq, t, sts, vcat(ps...); name = :sys1)
sys1 = structural_simplify(get_sys1())
u0 = ComponentVector(L = 10.0)
p = ComponentVector(k_L = 1.0, k_R = 1 / 20, k_P = 2.0)
prob = ODEProblem(sys1,
get_system_symbol_dict(sys1, u0), (0.0, 1.0),
get_system_symbol_dict(sys1, p))
Updating a problem with the default ProblemUpdater results in a non-type inferred problem.
mapping = (:k_L => :k_R, :k_L => :k_P)
pg = KeysProblemParGetter(mapping, keys(u0))
pu = get_ode_problemupdater(pg, get_system(prob))
prob2 = pu(prob) # not inferred
But we can use get_concrete
to obtain a type-inferred version.
puc1 = get_concrete(pu)
#prob3 = @inferred puc1(prob) # currently not working because remake not type-stable
prob3 = puc1(prob)
This can be used to create a closure for a cost function that uses the type-stable variant.
# get a concrete-type version of the ProblemParSetter and pass it
# through a function barrier to a closure (function within let)
get_fopt = (puc=get_concrete(pu)) -> let puc=puc
(prob) -> begin
#prob_upd = @inferred puc(prob) # TODO inferred
prob_upd = puc(prob)
end # fopt function
end # let, get_fopt
fopt = get_fopt()
#prob4 = @inferred fopt(prob) # TODO inferred
prob4 = fopt(prob)