Setting Initial state and Parameters of a problem

Often one wants to change a subset of the initial states,u0, and a subset of parameters,p, of an AbstractODEProblem during an optimization.

Given u0 and p can be expressed as ComponentVectors, then popt can be expressed as a ComponentVector of optimized parameters, which may include initial states. The initial states and parameter components must have different names.

The following example system employs a scalar and a vector-valued parameter.

using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, ComponentArrays
using MTKHelpers
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D
function samplesystem(;name,τ = 3.0, p=[1.1, 1.2])
    sts = @variables x(t) RHS(t)        # RHS is observed
    ps = @parameters τ=τ p[1:2] = p
    ODESystem([ RHS  ~ p[1] + -p[2]*x + (1 - x)/τ, D(x) ~ RHS ], t, sts, vcat(ps...); name)
@named m = samplesystem()
@named sys = embed_system(m)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, [m.x => 0.0], (0.0,10.0))

An ODEProblemParSetter then can be used to update a subset of states and parameters in the derived problem. Because the state of the problem can reorder components of a symbolic array and the parameter object of the problem is complex, use functions get_par(pset, prob) and get_state(pset, prob) or their labeled versions to inspect state and parameters of a problem.

# setup position matching, note τ is not in parameters optimized
popt = ComponentVector(state=(m₊x=0.1,), par=(m₊p=[2.1,2.2],))
pset = ODEProblemParSetter(sys, popt) # pass through function barrier to use type inference

# extract optimized
get_paropt(pset, prob)          # plain vector
get_paropt_labeled(pset, prob)  # ComponentVector
name_paropt(pset, prob)         # NamedVector

# update states and parameters
prob2 = remake(prob, popt, pset)
get_par_labeled(pset, prob2).m₊p == popt.par.m₊p # attach labels and access properties
get_state_labeled(pset, prob2).m₊x == popt.state.m₊x # attach labels and access properties
get_paropt_labeled(pset, prob2) == popt

Note that produced labeled CompoenentArrays are not fully type-inferred, unless a concrete versions of the ParameterSetter and function barriers are used as described in Concrete ProblemUpdater.


A ODEProblemParSetterConcrete can be combined with a KeysProblemParGetter or another specific implementation of AbstractProblemParGetter to update an AbstractODEProblem based on information already present in the AbstractODEProblem.

The following example updates parameters k_R and k_P in the AbstractODEProblem to the value of k_L. This can be useful to ensure that these parameters are also changed when optimizing parameter k_L.

An implementations of AbstractProblemParGetter can use any computation of the source keys to provide its destination keys. It should implement the keys method, so that when constructing the ProblemUpdater, consistent keys are used, as in the example below.

First, create an example system and example problem.

using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, ComponentArrays
using MTKHelpers
function get_sys1()
    sts = @variables L(t)
    ps = @parameters k_L, k_R, k_P
    eq = [D(L) ~ 0]
    sys1 = ODESystem(eq, t, sts, vcat(ps...); name = :sys1)
sys1 = structural_simplify(get_sys1())
u0 = ComponentVector(L = 10.0)
p = ComponentVector(k_L = 1.0, k_R = 1 / 20, k_P = 2.0)
prob = ODEProblem(sys1,
    get_system_symbol_dict(sys1, u0), (0.0, 1.0),
    get_system_symbol_dict(sys1, p))

Next, setup a ProblemUpdater, pu, and apply it to the problem via prob2 = pu(prob).

mapping = (:k_L => :k_R, :k_L => :k_P)
pu = get_ode_problemupdater(KeysProblemParGetter(mapping, keys(u0)), get_system(prob))
prob2 = pu(prob)
p2 = get_par_labeled(par_setter(pu), prob2)
p2.k_P == p.k_L
p2.k_R == p.k_L