Translating symbols and Nums
ModelingToolkit constructs an AbstractODEProblem from an ODESystem by supplying Dictionaries that map Nums to values. However, it is more convenient to store initial states and parameters as ComponentVectors with symbolic keys, instead of Dictionaries with Num keys.
First, lets create an example system that can demonstrate symbolic arrays in states and parameters.
# setting up a simple example composite system and problem
using ModelingToolkit, OrdinaryDiffEq, ComponentArrays
using MTKHelpers
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D
function samplesystem_vec(; name, τ = 3.0, i=0.1, p = [1.1, 1.2, 1.3])
n_comp = 2
@variables x(..)[1:n_comp]
ps = @parameters τ=τ i=i p[1:3]=p
sts = [x(t)[i] for i in 1:n_comp]
eq = [
D(x(t)[1]) ~ i - p[1] * x(t)[1] + (p[2] - x(t)[1]^2) / τ,
D(x(t)[2]) ~ i - p[3] * x(t)[2],
ODESystem(eq, t, sts, vcat(ps...); name)
@named m = samplesystem_vec()
@named sys = embed_system(m)
Next, we want to create the problem and need to specify the initial states and parameters as Dictionaries Num -> value. However, the Nums are only defined within above function samplesystem_vec()
MTKHelpers provides method system_num_dict
# setup initial conditions and parameters as ComponentVectors
u0 = ComponentVector(m₊x=[0.1, 0.2])
p = ComponentVector(m₊p=[2.1, 2.2, 2.3], m₊τ = 3.1) # keep i to default
# convert to Dict(Num -> value) in order to create the AbstractODEProblem
p_numdict = system_num_dict(p, sys)
u0_numdict = system_num_dict(u0, sys)
prob = ODEProblem(sys, u0_numdict, (0,2), p_numdict);
# check the parameters of the created problem
pset = ODEProblemParSetter(sys, ComponentVector())
p_prob = get_par_labeled(pset, prob)
p_prob.m₊i == 0.1 # from default
p_prob.m₊τ == p.m₊τ # from p
p_prob.m₊p == p.m₊p # from p
MTKHelpers provides a remake
variant with a ODEProblemParSetter
, that allows to update a subset of u0
and p
of an AbstractODEProblem
by providing a ComponentVector of parameters or initial states.
paropt = ComponentVector(state=(m₊x=[10.1,10.2],), par=(m₊τ = 10.1,))
pset = ODEProblemParSetter(get_system(prob), paropt)
prob2 = remake(prob, paropt, pset)
p2_prob = get_par_labeled(pset, prob2); u2_prob = get_state_labeled(pset, prob2)
p2_prob.m₊τ == paropt.par.m₊τ # from paropt
p2_prob.m₊p == p_prob.m₊p # from original prob
all(u2_prob.m₊x .== paropt.state.m₊x)
Note that the order of entries symbolic-array components in the state of the problem may differ from the consecutive order in the ComponentArray. Functions remake(prob, paropt, pset)
and get_state(pset, prob)
take care to set and extract the components in correct order.
When updating an ODEProblem, MTKHelpers expects either a ComponentVector with sub-vectors state
and par
or, alternatively, a ComponentVector with keys of states before keys of parameters. Function vcat_statesfirst
helps to ensure this order when concatenating ComponentVectors.
— Functionsystem_num_dict(d, sys::AbstractSystem)
system_num_dict(d, symbol_dict::AbstractDict)
Create a Dictionary Num=>value from symbolic Dictionary or ComponentVector.
Omit pairs where no Num was found.
— Functionget_system(prob::AbstractODEProblem)
Get the System associated to a problem.
— Functionbase_num(s)
Get the symbol without an index, e.g. p[1] -> p, or x(t)[1] -> x(t).
— Functionget_base_num_dict(nums)
Return a Dictionary of Symbol -> Num, for each unique base_num.(nums)
— Functionvcat_statesfirst(cvs...; system)
Concatenate ComponentVectors, cvs
, but move state entries before parameter entries.